Academic program
The Master of Computer Science is composed of the following programs.First year
- First year taught in French
- First year of the MOSIG program (Master’s degree of Science in Computer science at Grenoble)
Second year
- Computer Engineering (Génie Informatique, GI): vocational training or standard training
- Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG)
- Operational Research, Combinatorics and Optimization (ORCO)
- Cybersecurity (CS)
- Cybersecurity and computer forensics (Cybersécurité et informatique légale, CSI)
- Complementary Skills in Computer science (Compétences complémentaires en informatique, CCI): for students who have completed the first year of a Master’s degree in another scientific field, dual skills
- CoDaS (Master in Communications Engineering and Data Science) CoDas is a joint master program offered by three European universities,
Aalto University (Finland), Grenoble INP-UGA (France), and Técnico Lisboa (Portugal) - Industrial Computer Networks (RIE) : This 2-year course offers a global understanding of telecommunication network technologies with a focus on the high layers of networks, security and enterprise network management
Course list
Semester 1
Master 1 MOSIG
- Programming language and compiler design (6 ECTS, semester 1)
- Software engineering (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Principles of operating systems (6 ECTS, semester 1)
- Algorithms and Program Solving (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Mathematics for computer science (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Intoduction to Visual computing (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Technical writing and speaking (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Programming project (OS) (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Programming project (Compiler design) (3 ECTS, semester 1)
In french
- Sémantique des langages de programmation et compilation (6 ECTS, semester 1)
- Génie logiciel (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Conception et programmation par objets (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Conception des systèmes d'exploitation et programmation concurrente (6 ECTS, semester 1)
- Base de données (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Introduction aux réseaux (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Technique des logiciels interactifs (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Anglais (3 ECTS, semester 1)
Semester 2
Master 1 MOSIG
- Research Project (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Research methodology (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Technical writing and speaking (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Database foundations (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Human computer interaction (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Intelligent Systems : reasoning and recognition (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Computer networks principles (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- 3D Graphics (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction to Visual Computing (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Fundamental Computer Science (3 ECTS, semester 2)
In english and in french
- Introduction to distributed systems (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction to modeling and verification of digital systems (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Parallel algorithms and programming (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction to cryptology (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Robotics and IoT (3 ECTS, semester 2)
Master 1 INFO
- Projet (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Complexité algorithmique de problèmes (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction à la recherche et Travail d'Etude et de Recherche (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction à la recherche et stage en entreprise (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Algorithmes et traitement de données (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Traitement d'images (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Synthèse d'images (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Géométrie Numérique (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Planification automatique et techniques d'intelligence artificielle (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Ergonomie des interfaces Homme-Machine (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- DevOps : Méthodes et outils (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction à l'administration des réseaux (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction à la cybersécurité (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Histoire de l'informatique (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Sciences Informatiques et Médiation (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction au pervasive computing (3 ECTS, semester 2)
Semester 3
Computer Engineering (in french)
- Projet d'intégration ECOM (6 ECTS, semestre 3) (class + altern)
- Principes des méthodes agiles (3 ECTS, semestre 3) (class + altern)
- Technique de communication en anglais (3 ECTS, semestre 3) (class + altern)
- Génie logiciel : cycle de vie et qualité (6 ECTS, semestre 3) (altern)
- Sécurité des systèmes d'information (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Interaction homme-machine : multimodalité et mobilité (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Documents multimedia : description et recherche automatique (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Systèmes et applications répartis (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Systèmes embarqués communicants pour l'internet des objets (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- e-services pour le M2M et l'internet des objets (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Données large échelle (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Analyse des données, web des données et web sémantique (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Techniques avancées de validation / tests (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Principes et techniques de l'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Projet et développement mobile (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
Master of Science in informatics at Grenoble (Mosig) (in english)
- Architecture : component and services (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Model driven engineering (3ECTS, semester 3)
- Process engineering (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Verification and test theories (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Temporal and spatial informations (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Requirements engineering (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Software security, secure programming and computer forensics (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Data management in large-scale distributed systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Software mining and Re-engineering (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Verification of sequential programs (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- SAT/SMT Soving (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Models and languages for model checking (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Advanced verification technics and applications (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Feedback control and real times systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Probalistics, timed, and hybrid systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Industrial processes for high-confidence design (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Advanced learning models (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Convex and Distributed Optimization (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- High performance computing for mathematical models (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Fundamentals of probabilistics data mining (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Computational biology (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Monte-Carlo methods in financial engineering (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Stochastic modelling for neurosciences (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Machine Learning fundamentals (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Advanced algorithms for machine learning and data mining (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Information access and retrieval (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Knowledge representation and reasoning (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Semantic Web: from XML to OWL (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Natural Language and Speech Processing (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Multi-agent systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Computer graphics II (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Autonomous robotics (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Category learning and object recognition (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Computational geometry (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Data challenges (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Medical imaging, simulation and robotics (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Computeur vision (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Human-centered interaction (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Engineering human-computer interaction (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Information visualization (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Wireless Networks (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Distributed Systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Advanced aspects of operating systems (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Parallel systems (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Embedded systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Security and Privacy (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Scientific methodology and performance evaluation (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Data science seminar (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Model selection for large-scale learning (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Numerical optimal transport and geometry (3 ECTS, semester 3)
Operational Research, Combinatorics and Optimization (ORCO) (in english)
- Advanced models and methods in operations research (6 ECTS)
- Combinatorial optimization and graph theory (6 ECTS)
- Optimization under uncertainty (6 ECTS)
- Logistic and transport (3 ECTS)
- Advanced heuristic and approximation algorithms (3 ECTS)
- Advanced mathematical programming methods (3 ECTS)
- Efficient methods in optimization (3 ECTS)
- Parallel systems (6 ECTS)
- Scheduling (3 ECTS)
- Graphs and discrete structures (3 ECTS)
- Academic and industrial challenges (3 ECTS)
- SAT/SMT Solving (3 ECTS)
Cybersecurity (in english)
- Software security, secure programming and computer forensic (3 ECTS)
- Security architectures : network, system, key managements, cybersecurity of industrial IT (6 ECTS)
- Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications (6 ECTS)
- Threat and risk analysis, IT security audit and norms (3 ECTS)
- Physical security: embedded, smart card, quantum and biometrics (6 ECTS)
- Advanced cryptology (6 ECTS)
- Advanced security (6 ECTS)
Cybersecurity and computer forensics (in french)
- Ingénierie cryptographique et protocoles (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Architecture de sécurité (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Audit et analyse de risques (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Sécurité des composants et des logiciels (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Informatique légale et aspects législatifs et politiques de la cybersécurité (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
Complementary Skills in Computer science (in french)
- Algorithmique (6 ECTS)
- Bases de données (3 ECTS)
- Génie logiciel (3 ECTS)
- Programmation (3 ECTS)
- Langage machine (3 ECTS)
- Programmation, langages et applications internet (6 ECTS)
- Systèmes et réseaux (3 ECTS)
- Anglais (3 ECTS)
Semester 4
Computer Engineering
- Génie Logiciel : cycle de vie et qualité (6 ECTS, semestre 4) (class)
- Conduite de Projets Logiciels en Entreprise (24 ECTS, semestre 4) (class)
- Apprentissage en Entreprise (24 ECTS, semestre 4) (altern)
- Aspects financiers et marketing (3 ECTS, semestre 4) (altern)
- Workflow et collecticiels (3 ECTS, semestre 4)
Published on July 12, 2016
Updated on November 28, 2022
Updated on November 28, 2022
The courses take place on the university campus of Saint-Martin-d’Hères, close to Grenoble.
> Access map (in french)