Master of Science MoSIG

The objective of the Master of Science in Informatics is to offer to all students, regardless of country of origin, access to world-class graduate training in areas of Informatics where the scientific research community in Grenoble is particularly strong.
The Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble is a highly competitive, two-year European Standard (LMD) graduate program. Courseware is offered in English, and the program is open to top students holding a BSc in Computer Engineering or Computer Science (European LMD Licence), a degree in engineering, or an equivalent degree, from any country.

Students can apply either for the full program (two years) or for the 2nd year of the program (master 2), according to their background. See the admission section for application details.

The program is also open to students from the local Ensimag school of engineering in Informatics and Applied Mathematics, students from the school of engineering of the Université Grenoble Alpes Polytech Grenoble, as well as students from the master of Mathematics or Informatics at the Université Grenoble Alpes.

Academic Program

> More informations on the Mosig Website

The academic program is divided in master 1 and master 2.
  • The initial semester (Master1/S7) is composed of foundational courseware
  • The second semester (Master1/S8) combines core foundational courseware with optional specialization courses.
  • The third semester (Master2/S9) provides specialized training in one of the following areas:
    • Data science and Artificial intelligence (DSAI)
    • Distributed computing: from cloud to edge computing, embedded systems and networking (DC)
    • Human and digital world interactions: robotics, augmented and virtual reality, perception (HDWI)
    • Software and hardware components engineering ; quality engineering, models of computation (SHCE)
  • The final semester (Master2/S10) is dedicated to an end of studies research project.
Published on  July 12, 2016
Updated on October 29, 2024