This course is sustained by a wide variety of entities (businesses/experts/academic laboratories and researchers) and answers a strong demand for Computer Science degrees in the socio?economic community - according to surveys completed three years after graduation, more than 90% of students in most of the degrees are employed with a medium net salary in the € 1,950 range.
The main activity sectors are in the services - IT firms, software publishers, IT providers, company R&D departments, company IT departments and public or private research laboratories.
Main employments by degree
Computer Engineering (GI)
Development Engineers, Design Engineers, Software Quality Engineers, (IT) Architects, Project Managers.
Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MoSIG)
Computer Science Researchers, Teacher-Researchers in higher education, R&D Engineers specializing in various fields of computer science.
Operational Research, Combinatorics and Optimization (ORCO)
Engineering Consultants, Design and Development Engineers, R&D Researchers, Teacher-Researchers in Operational Research and Combinatorics.
Cybersecurity (CySec)
Cybersecurity and computer system security (R&D) Engineers, Engineers specializing in Information Technology audits, Technical Sales Engineers in Information Security.
Complementary Skills in Computer science (CCI)
Development Engineers in IT companies that specialize in the fields of application for students’ initial qualifications or in IT companies.
Pursuing a Ph.d.
Currently, a wide part of second-year Master's students looking to pursue a Ph.d are able to obtain financing and find a host laboratory when they receive their diploma.
In Grenoble, doctoral students from the Master's in Computer Science are largely enrolled in the
Mathematics, Information Science and Information Technology, Computer Science Doctoral School.