Academic program
The Master of Computer Science is composed of the following programs.First year
- First year taught in French
- First year of the MOSIG program (Master’s degree of Science in Computer science at Grenoble)
Second year
- Computer Engineering (Génie Informatique, GI): vocational training or standard training
- Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MOSIG)
- Operational Research, Combinatorics and Optimization (ORCO)
- Cybersecurity (CS)
- Cybersecurity and computer forensics (Cybersécurité et informatique légale, CSI)
- Complementary Skills in Computer science (Compétences complémentaires en informatique, CCI): for students who have completed the first year of a Master’s degree in another scientific field, dual skills
- CoDaS (Master in Communications Engineering and Data Science) CoDas is a joint master program offered by three European universities,
Aalto University (Finland), Grenoble INP-UGA (France), and Técnico Lisboa (Portugal) - Industrial Computer Networks (RIE) : This 2-year course offers a global understanding of telecommunication network technologies with a focus on the high layers of networks, security and enterprise network management
Course list
Semester 1
Master 1 MOSIG
- Programming language and compiler design (6 ECTS, semester 1)
- Software engineering (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Principles of operating systems (6 ECTS, semester 1)
- Algorithms and Program Solving (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Mathematics for computer science (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Intoduction to Visual computing (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Technical writing and speaking (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Programming project (OS) (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Programming project (Compiler design) (3 ECTS, semester 1)
In french
- Sémantique des langages de programmation et compilation (6 ECTS, semester 1)
- Génie logiciel (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Conception et programmation par objets (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Conception des systèmes d'exploitation et programmation concurrente (6 ECTS, semester 1)
- Base de données (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Introduction aux réseaux (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Technique des logiciels interactifs (3 ECTS, semester 1)
- Anglais (3 ECTS, semester 1)
Semester 2
Master 1 MOSIG
- Research Project (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Research methodology (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Technical writing and speaking (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Database foundations (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Human computer interaction (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Intelligent Systems : reasoning and recognition (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Computer networks principles (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- 3D Graphics (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction to Visual Computing (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Fundamental Computer Science (3 ECTS, semester 2)
In english and in french
- Introduction to distributed systems (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction to modeling and verification of digital systems (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Parallel algorithms and programming (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction to cryptology (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Robotics and IoT (3 ECTS, semester 2)
Master 1 INFO
- Projet (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Complexité algorithmique de problèmes (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction à la recherche et Travail d'Etude et de Recherche (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction à la recherche et stage en entreprise (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Algorithmes et traitement de données (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Traitement d'images (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Synthèse d'images (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Géométrie Numérique (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Planification automatique et techniques d'intelligence artificielle (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Ergonomie des interfaces Homme-Machine (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- DevOps : Méthodes et outils (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction à l'administration des réseaux (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction à la cybersécurité (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Histoire de l'informatique (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Sciences Informatiques et Médiation (3 ECTS, semester 2)
- Introduction au pervasive computing (3 ECTS, semester 2)
Semester 3
Computer Engineering (in french)
- Projet d'intégration ECOM (6 ECTS, semestre 3) (class + altern)
- Principes des méthodes agiles (3 ECTS, semestre 3) (class + altern)
- Technique de communication en anglais (3 ECTS, semestre 3) (class + altern)
- Génie logiciel : cycle de vie et qualité (6 ECTS, semestre 3) (altern)
- Sécurité des systèmes d'information (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Interaction homme-machine : multimodalité et mobilité (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Documents multimedia : description et recherche automatique (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Systèmes et applications répartis (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Systèmes embarqués communicants pour l'internet des objets (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- e-services pour le M2M et l'internet des objets (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Données large échelle (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Analyse des données, web des données et web sémantique (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Techniques avancées de validation / tests (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Principes et techniques de l'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Projet et développement mobile (3 ECTS, semestre 3)
Master of Science in informatics at Grenoble (Mosig) (in english)
- Architecture : component and services (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Model driven engineering (3ECTS, semester 3)
- Process engineering (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Verification and test theories (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Temporal and spatial informations (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Requirements engineering (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Software security, secure programming and computer forensics (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Data management in large-scale distributed systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Software mining and Re-engineering (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Verification of sequential programs (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- SAT/SMT Soving (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Models and languages for model checking (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Advanced verification technics and applications (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Feedback control and real times systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Probalistics, timed, and hybrid systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Industrial processes for high-confidence design (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Advanced learning models (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Convex and Distributed Optimization (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- High performance computing for mathematical models (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Fundamentals of probabilistics data mining (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Computational biology (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Monte-Carlo methods in financial engineering (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Stochastic modelling for neurosciences (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Machine Learning fundamentals (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Advanced algorithms for machine learning and data mining (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Information access and retrieval (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Knowledge representation and reasoning (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Semantic Web: from XML to OWL (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Natural Language and Speech Processing (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Multi-agent systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Computer graphics II (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Autonomous robotics (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Category learning and object recognition (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Computational geometry (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Data challenges (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Medical imaging, simulation and robotics (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Computeur vision (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Human-centered interaction (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Engineering human-computer interaction (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Information visualization (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Wireless Networks (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Distributed Systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Advanced aspects of operating systems (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Parallel systems (6 ECTS, semester 3)
- Embedded systems (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Security and Privacy (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Scientific methodology and performance evaluation (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Data science seminar (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Model selection for large-scale learning (3 ECTS, semester 3)
- Numerical optimal transport and geometry (3 ECTS, semester 3)
Operational Research, Combinatorics and Optimization (ORCO) (in english)
- Advanced models and methods in operations research (6 ECTS)
- Combinatorial optimization and graph theory (6 ECTS)
- Optimization under uncertainty (6 ECTS)
- Logistic and transport (3 ECTS)
- Advanced heuristic and approximation algorithms (3 ECTS)
- Advanced mathematical programming methods (3 ECTS)
- Efficient methods in optimization (3 ECTS)
- Parallel systems (6 ECTS)
- Scheduling (3 ECTS)
- Graphs and discrete structures (3 ECTS)
- Academic and industrial challenges (3 ECTS)
- SAT/SMT Solving (3 ECTS)
Cybersecurity (in english)
- Software security, secure programming and computer forensic (3 ECTS)
- Security architectures : network, system, key managements, cybersecurity of industrial IT (6 ECTS)
- Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications (6 ECTS)
- Threat and risk analysis, IT security audit and norms (3 ECTS)
- Physical security: embedded, smart card, quantum and biometrics (6 ECTS)
- Advanced cryptology (6 ECTS)
- Advanced security (6 ECTS)
Cybersecurity and computer forensics (in french)
- Ingénierie cryptographique et protocoles (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Architecture de sécurité (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Audit et analyse de risques (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Sécurité des composants et des logiciels (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
- Informatique légale et aspects législatifs et politiques de la cybersécurité (6 ECTS, semestre 3)
Complementary Skills in Computer science (in french)
- Algorithmique (6 ECTS)
- Bases de données (3 ECTS)
- Génie logiciel (3 ECTS)
- Programmation (3 ECTS)
- Langage machine (3 ECTS)
- Programmation, langages et applications internet (6 ECTS)
- Systèmes et réseaux (3 ECTS)
- Anglais (3 ECTS)
Semester 4
Computer Engineering
- Génie Logiciel : cycle de vie et qualité (6 ECTS, semestre 4) (class)
- Conduite de Projets Logiciels en Entreprise (24 ECTS, semestre 4) (class)
- Apprentissage en Entreprise (24 ECTS, semestre 4) (altern)
- Aspects financiers et marketing (3 ECTS, semestre 4) (altern)
- Workflow et collecticiels (3 ECTS, semestre 4)
Published on July 12, 2016
Updated on September 27, 2024
Updated on September 27, 2024
> Apply
The courses take place on the university campus of Saint-Martin-d’Hères, close to Grenoble.
> Access map (in french)